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Anima viernes

El sol se estrella contra mis ojos. Y es verano, aparentemente. Y se estrella incluso dentro de una oficina, allí no puedo llevar los anteojos oscuros. Tengo entonces que poner mis ojos chinos y escribir algo, cualquier cosa. Pero el sol que se estrella no es otro que el sol reflejado en la pantalla de la computadora. Podría decir ordenador, es más musical, pero definitivamente huachafísimo. Me hace recordar a mi madre que de un tiempo a esta parte prefiere decir platicar en lugar de conversar, más precisamente desde que consiguió novio mexicano. Yo he tirado la toalla. Parece que está condenada a platicar por el móvil mientras se afeita con un rastrillo antes de la merienda. Felizmente todavía no la he escuchado decir aguacate en lugar palta.

De pronto el sol trajo como un rayo a Reynaldo Arenas, quien con el pelo pintado de rayitos apareció y desapareció frente a mi computador. Mucho mejor que decir ordenador.

Yo no puedo alejarme de mi niñez y esto realmente me jode. Me jode remitirme a ella. Y no es que fuera mi mejor época. No recuerdo ninguna de mis etapas con demasiada ternura. Pero las infancia es la más recurrente. Los recuerdos son los más raros. Por ejemplo, recuerdo claramente mis juegos. Me gustaba jugar al velorio, al cosinero pelado, a somos pobres, a los guiones de Walt Disney o las versiones de la barbie erótica. Jugaba también con bayas, tierra y espuma de afeitar para hacer comida. Comida de mentira, helados rosados con aseptil y jabón. Pasteles de chocolate con barro y kolynos. EXperimentos en bacinicas y caídas con sangrado de rodillas, siempre muy doloroso. Siempre el doloroso y anaranjado recuerdo del Merthiolate.

No me gusta leer en público mis poemas. No, no me gusta nada. Siempre me pongo nerviosa. Y enciendo un cigarrillo (sé que no tengo gran cosa qué decir) y ahora, no sé desde cuando, bebo cerveza. Pero los nervios no se calman, entonces leo como carretilla y pienso: ojalá no tropiece, ojalá esto se acabe pronto, ojalá alguien me escuche. Lo que quiero decir es que no quiero decir nada. No es que no tenga nada que decir, pero no me la gana de hablar. Prefiero, por ejemplo, señalar, ballo, o sentarme a la ventana en la combi y mirar la ciudad como si fuera tabla de Sarhua.
Tengo miedo.

Barcelona se quedará sin corridas de toros a partir de la temporada de 2008.
Dejar el hábito de la carne.

¿Conoces a alguien que se apellide Parihuamán?

Esta mañana amanecí en cama ajena. Ni siquiera me inmuté cuando recordé que anoche la familia ajena había sido testigo de mi ebriedad estacionaria y puramente ocasional.
Pienso que en cualquier momento podría salir embarazada. No me cuido bien. Ya no con las ganas de antes. Vendría bien un critter, así dejaría de trabajar para criarlo. Pero no quiero ser pobre. Cuando voy a beber mi café de la mañana me doy cuenta de que ya está frío ¿cuánto tiempo ha pasado desde que llegué a este lugar? ¿Tres años? ¿Veinticinco minutos? Both are correct.


Anonymous said…
lalalá.... blablablá....
Anonymous said…
Ey Arianna me gustò el texto en prosa...Feliz 2007 para ti tambièn
Galia gàlvez: visita mi blog
Anonymous said…
el sol se estrella contra mi poto y puedo decir que la noche fue descoyuntadora como son los golpes que se dan en un camal...
interesante tu blog.Prosa y quisiera leer más poesía.
Echa lo de adentro sor el papel siempre. No fear!


Anonymous said…
Samantha Lowry
Somebody loved you without the need of magic….
Somebody gived you all without the need of magic…
Samantha lowry
Maybe some almonds of control, change it all…
You were living your dreams without even realizing it…
You were happy, and living the journey of all your wishes been given to you.
That person still loves you, still believes in you, still trust you…
But also, he is the father of your son…
And you are the mother of his son…
The man you wanted as husband, the man who was there all along.
You had it all, all your wishes were been granted….
You were always respected and loved, always protected, always cared of…
This man never harmed you , always loved you…
The beginning of the fullfilment of all your desires had started in every moment You were in the journey….
All your dreams and discoveries started from the day you met this man…
Do not be confused by you lies , or the lies of others, do not be confused by what you dont know…
Do not confuse yourself trying to convince others to justify your actions..
Samantha lowry , You cannot fool you, and the harm you did to this man, it was a harm done to you.
The harm you did to this man, you will see it in seb face everyday…
It will be in your mind, in your heart, in your soul….
For you had it all, and you are losing it all..
Samantha lowry, The destination is not as fun as the journey in between…
The enjoyment of money comes from the effort and not by the money itself..
As long as there are wishes, there is happiness, but if you could have it all, if you could buy it all, those wishes are no more, and happiness no longer exist.
Money cannot buy the most precious things in life.
Naked we come to this world, naked we leave this world…

Samantha Lowry Base all what you lived, to the facts….
You may realize, that what you wish, you already had…
And all the rest, was a process to fulfill larger dreams, but you been a part of it, helping build all your dreams, were the foundation is the effort done and the path in between
The beauty to conquer obstacles, and reach goals in union, makes a deeper union, and the beauty of it, to know, you did it together…
Same reason, if a couple can resolve their own problems together, then is like self healing, we will be able to do all to the future, you will become closer and stronger, you will understand eachother better, and adapt in a deeper relationship.
But you may also realize, that by not realizing it, you are losing it all…
Base your desicions reviewing the past…reviewing your feelings, and been truthfull to yourself, without the need to convince anyone.
In silence, speaking to you, you will know yourself, you may discover more then you ever wished, in time….
Truly see this man for what he did since the day you met him, see what you did to this man,
But most important, see this man for who he truly is….
And who he truly is, is by the facts of what you lived, by the facts of what you shared, by the facts of what you had.

Samantha lowry ,What would you do if a man will do to you, what you did to him ?
What would you do ?
Could you ever find peace ?
could you ever forgive yourself ?
Who gived advice to destroy this man, for that person is destroying you….

See the truth in silence, know your feelings in silence, know what you truly want in silence…Know what you did to this man in silence….
Know what you want for seb in silence…
Samantha Lowry, Maybe you will come to discover, you wanted to be protected, loved, care of, you wanted someone to be looking to give you the best, looking to fulfill your every dream, maybe you were looking for someone to give you attention, great meals, spoilings, maybe you were looking for someone to be your guide your host discovering the world, and protecting you every step of the way, maybe you wanted a united family, a happy family, maybe you wanted to have the freedom and trust from this person, for you to pursuit your dreams, be karate, or bicycling or anything you said you wished…
Maybe you wanted a strong and united family, you wanted to travel, you wanted to have a world open to you and lived in between many countries…
Maybe you realize, you had it all ….
Maybe, only maybe, you realized it was all there, all you ever wanted was there…
Maybe is time for you to realize, still there, and maybe as a miracle, you still have the choice….
Reviewing the facts,…To your surprise you may realize…
Samantha lowry You still have it all, and out there is a man who loves you and believes in you and trust you. A man who still believes, you are the love of his life, and the woman of his dreams
And as one day in the past he whispered in your ears…he will forgive you all….yes sam…he can forgive you all…
You may realize he was always truthfull to you
Maybe you doubted his love, maybe you never realize his love for you…
Samantha lowry , Maybe you never focus on all what you had….
Maybe you could not see, in everyday. In every minute, in every step of the journey, you were a princess all along. and since the first day you met this man, he was there all along for you, to protect you, to love you, to give you your every single dream, as a host, yes sam, a simple host…
Not trying to change you, but accepting you the way you are, yes sam, the way you are.
Samantha lowry, you were Both adventurers, a world is ahead to be discovered….a journey is on the going…waiting for you to join in…
Maybe is still in your hands, to join this man in the journey, to see the towns beyond the clouds, to see the waterfalls, as high as the sky…
To cross the world, and discover all,
Knowing you have, uncondicional love…

A host devoted to make you the happiest woman alive, a princess,
And maybe all of this has happened for you to see, for you to know, you had in your hands everything you ever wished…something money cannot buy, but that can bring fortunes by the fortune of your heart…
Maybe all this has happened for you to realize, and appreciated, you were you , more then ever with this man, you were happier then ever with this man, you discover more then ever with this man, you were free with this man, you were protected and loved every second with this man, and all what you trying to take from this man, was yours, and you are losing it all…including your host…
Maybe you can realize, the people who talk badly about this man, had something to gain, maybe you come to realize, life is no more then a mirror, that what we give we receive,
Maybe you realize, by jumping in the journey again, you will have it all, including peace, including a family, including protection, including everything and all….
Do know, forgiveness is on front of you, and do see, a love you may have never realize it existed…..and that love is also in front of you….that love still remains.
Know your dreams…know yourself…
And maybe all the money in the world, could not buy, what you already had…
But what you already had, could bring all the money in the world….
Anonymous said…
If you would have fallen in sickness, or even anyone in your family,
With love, I would give it all to help, careless if I would have nothing remaining
If our son would get sick, also with love I would give it all. To help him and protect him.

But in theft, if someone is to steal from me or my son....
Careless who, With love, I would defend it all....
Anonymous said…
samantha lowry from bishopstone , near swindon , in wiltshire united kingdom. samantha lowry samantha jennifer lowry is almost spring is almost the 21 samantha lowry the 21....samantha lowry from bishopstone who lived in austin texas , spain , mexico samantha lowry you made a promess . samantha lowry

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