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This is raccoons mood

Raccoons, raccoons in my head
And in my soul

Raccoons, raccoons in my head
And my soul

Are only mapaches wearing suits
In a flowery vernissage
In a flowery vernissage
Where people were also animals
Let us go to that party
With my three happy blue friends:
Chupacabras, Dragón de Komodo and Chochaperdiz andina
Let us smell that chopped onion
Let us smell your bitter bacon

Only mapaches such very tiny water bears
-impressive watercolours-
Looking for cosmopolitan rubbish
In every rotten fruit a heartache
What can we do if these animals don’t eat snow anymore?
Just go and pick up the baby with this blues

Raccoons, raccoons in my head
And raccoons also in my soul
There are raccoons everywhere I go

Raccoons, raccoons, raccoons in my head
And in my soul

Raccoons, raccoons in my head
Raccoons, raccoons in my soul.


Anonymous said…
pasu machu, el amor seco te ha vuelto bilingue...

Anonymous said…
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